Thursday, February 24, 2011

The Truth About CANCER

Yesterday I went to the hospital to take care of some business. A doctor who helped me but isn't my regular doctor discussed a concern he had with me regarding a test result. "Oh I know" I said proceeding to explain the latest diagnosis of cancer. "You're too young to have this cancer," he said. His face drooping in a fashion that I have become accustomed to over the last couple of months. "Yeah", I said with a sort of don't know what else to say grin "if only the cancer knew that". 

The truth of the matter is that cancer doesn't have an MO (Modus Operandi).  It is not as picky or prejudice as people are, it doesn't have a time clock, in fact it has the worst timing. It doesn't hold grudges or react in anger, it doesn't affect only the weak... it doesn't care about who it affects, it just comes and when it does you just deal, you endure it, you fight it. I have no time for tears there's too much living and loving to be had. No need for pity, who better to bare this burden than someone strong enough to carry it. I will not let it win, instead I will prove it wrong.

CANCER is not my death sentence, 
nor is it my life sentence, 
it is merely a season in a life full of seasons 
and I will make it through.

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