Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Insurance Woes

By now you should know that I was diagnosed with the big C...Cancer.  Well if the diagnosis mixed with appointment after appointment wasn't enough, I have to think about my insured future better yet the future of my insurance.  Well I finally got coverage in the form of Medicaid, up until I received Medicaid I was without insurance and paying out of pocket.  May sound pathetic but I was ecstatic at the fact that I got coverage and it came right when I had nothing left to pay for anything and right before my referral to Memorial Sloan Kettering.  During this time I also received some documents to join a healthcare plan under managed care.  It seemed great and once again I just felt blessed beyond belief. Well due to the type of cancer my current oncologist suggested that I see a fertility specialist, he gave me the number to the best and after speaking to him the other day I was encouraged to make that call ASAP.  So I called and found out that they don't take my insurance, and the only insurance that they take and that I could possibly get isn't taken by the hospital where I receive most of my treatments.  Then I find out that memorial sloan kettering takes every insurance but the one I could get that the fertility people take.  I feel stuck, annoyed and agitated.  Everything is a fight or difficult.  I never wanted this, I just want my normal life back.

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